Emergency Locksmith in Basildon
Have you just had your house broken into in Basildon? If the answer is yes, then we can help.
We have had many customers call us in the past because they have just got back from their holidays late at night to find that their homes have been broken into. All they wanted to do was to come home, have a cup of tea and go to bed. Instead they have had to call us once the police have left, to come and secure their property for them. It is very upsetting to see.
It happens in all towns, including Basildon so the best thing you can do is to prevent it happening in the first place. Obviously we would not receive as many calls for this situation as we normally would, but that would be a good thing.
You could prevent this happening by not telling the world you are going away by posting it on a social media forum, perhaps invest in a timer that can turn your lights on and off to make it look like you are in, maybe ask a neighbour to park their car on your driveway while you are not there and certainly make sure your windows and doors are securely locked before you go away.
We can only give our customer’s advice after this has happened but do hope that they would think of this before and certainly pass it on to their family and friends that are going away. Being burgled is very distressing but we are here to help in any way we can.